Hi everyone in the blog world! I guess you could consider me new to this entire idea, but I have been lurking around for a while now. There are a couple different blogs that fueled my passion and inspired me to perhaps start a little bloggy blog up and see what could happen. So, that being said, here we go...
First and foremost, a little bit about me! My name is Cassie and I'm a ::ahem:: "recent" college graduate, working full time, and doing the things I can manage in order to make my way to grad school sometime soon. I received my bachelor's in Psychology and really have a passion for listening to, and helping people. My ultimate goal is to be able to do that and make a living while I'm at it...so graduate school for counseling psychology is (hopefully) in my future.
In the meantime, I work in Human Resources in lovely Orange County, CA and spend my free time running, reading (blogs, books, magazines), maxin' and relaxin' with my boy, and going gaga over my new baby nephew :-D
I'm sure there's more to know, but let's not rush things. I'm sure we'll get to know each other better soon! If anyone is reading this, please say hi! It's pretty quiet out here when you first get started, but we all start somewhere!